
Forms and Fees are due to the AD on or before Thursday, November 11th to be eligible to practice Monday 11/15

Winter Sport Registration page lists the requirements and has a link for online registration: https://sppscentralhighschool.rschoolteams.com/page/5422

Participation Fee goes to Athletic Director.  We will collect the Booster Club Fee after we start practices.

If you were in a fall sport, you register, pay the Athletic Activity fee and make sure your uniforms are turned in.  Athletic Activity Fee is $45,- $20 for Free and Reduced Lunch students.  Physical must be on-file with the Athletic Director.  Physicals are good for 3 years.  (Usually Sophomores and Seniors might need to update their Physicals.)

Academics - Athletes are students first!!  Academics should not suffer because of athletic participation.  Athletes must be responsible to maintain Academic Excellence.   

Behavior - Follow all MSHSL Rules

  • Follow all Central H.S. Rules 

  • Follow Covid 19 protocol and guidelines.

  • Be respectful of Coaches, Teammates, and Competitors.  

  • Be Good Sports and good representatives of Central H.S.

Varsity Teams and Lettering

Varsity Teams will be selected based on race performance, participation, attitude and commitment. 

Athletic Letters will be awarded based on effort, attitude, commitment, participation, and contribution to the team.