Save the date and your appetites! Come out and dine (for dollars!) at the Groveland Tap on January 29, 2020, between 6pm and 9pm.
The team will receive 15% of net sales on all food items between 6 and 9pm. Spread the word! (Photo courtesy of the Groveland Tap).

SAVE THE DATE - St. Paul Central Nordic Team Alumni Race - December 23, 2019, 6pm
Central Nordic Skiers Past and Present!
Snow is on the ground, the smell of melting glide wax is in the air, and the first races of the season are on the horizon. It is an exciting time to be a cross country skier in Minnesota and at St. Paul Central! The Central girls team qualified for state last year for the first time since 1993, we had strong representation on the boys side as well, and here in Minnesota ski enthusiasts around the state are eagerly anticipating March 16, 2020 when world champions from around the world (and from MN!) show up to compete at Wirth for a Cross Country World Cup race.
We know that the Central ski team has been an important part of many lives since the first year of the team; whether it inspired you to compete in college, was the foundation of life-long friendships you still enjoy today, or just gave you a healthy respect of winter and the limits of your body! Here is your chance to relive the fun, meet up with old friends, and support Central’s Nordic Ski team this season! You are invited to the Central Nordic Rootbeer Relay and Reunion, December 23, 5:30PM
When: December 23, 2019 5:30PM
Arrive at Como Golfcourse and register at Chalet
Rootbeer Relay Race-Wear you alumni Nordic apparel! (opportunity to race or cheer!)
The course will involve 1km loops on what we fondly refer to as the Como Glacier.
Current Central team will be on hand to do some fun outdoor activities with kids that come along
6:30-7:00 in Chalet
Cookies and awards including Oldest Alumni Racer, Fastest Alumni, Best oldschool Central Gear plus more!
Where: Como Golfcourse and Chalet
RSVP: centralnordicski@gmail.com with your:
Name (maiden name included)
Years on the team
Whether you intend to race or cheer.
Teams will be set up by Coach Robb!
We are raising funds to support the team this year and hoping to purchase two new Puuru Double Wax Benches and a few new pairs of Atomic Pro C2 SkinTec skis for new skiers just learning to ski. Central Nordic ski team merchandise will also be on hand to purchase. Suggested donation to participate is $25, but everyone is welcome!
We’d love to start collecting old photos! Please upload any of your old-school photos to https://photos.app.goo.gl/nvzNMXS4NAXNF8Qz6 and include a description of who, where and when in the comments section for each photo!
If you are unable to join us this time, but are still interested in supporting the team you can send checks payable to “St. Paul Central Sports Boosters” to Central Nordic Treasurer, 1944 Laurel Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104.
Questions? Feel free to drop a note to centralnordicski@gmail.com.
We hope to see you on December 23!

Turkey Trail Trot Fundraiser!! Thursday, November 28, 2019
We are going to do some fundraising by volunteering to help Endurance United put on their Turkey Trail Trot, Thanksgiving morning. We will need around 20 Volunteers at different times during the morning. I have divided the time slots into manageable periods of about 1.5 hours. Here is the link to sign up for one or more volunteer time slots. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p7XGgJCTuFbQ9kQ2usVFghsbGvLf2jKo2Ba-eSn1dm8/edit?usp=sharing We will be responsible for helping setup, handing out bib numbers and t-shirts, manning the water stop, course pickup and take down. Usually Bib number and t-shirt handouts are the most demanding. Race Starts at 8:00 and should be done by 9:30. Should be all done by 10:30.
Pre-Season Meeting for Athletes, 3:15pm on Wednesday 10/30/19 Cafeteria
Meet in the cafeteria on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, to get information about the upcoming season.
Team Banquet, March 14, 2019, 6pm - 9pm. Parents, there are volunteer opportunities at this link.
Parents, please consider signing up to help with set up, serving, cleaning, beverage contributions, dishwashing here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e44a8a92ca0fe3-banquet
Holiday Camp Forms, Collection of forms and fees starts 12/6/18
Here is the Holiday Camp Form. Robb will begin collecting the Holiday Camp Forms on Thursday 12/6. You will need the Central Ski Trip Contract, the Ski Trip Permission Form and a check.
Holiday Camp will be at Ironwood, MI from Wednesday 12/26 through Friday 12/28. $150. This is a great opportunity to get a lot of skiing in. Beginners should not be intimidated. This is a great opportunity to concentrate and learn how to ski. ABR is a lot of fun. We will have room for at least 32 athletes. Como will have 20 spots. We are primarily limited because the bus seats 54.
Save the Date: Endurance United Turkey Trot, Volunteer Fundraising Opportunity- Battle Creek Dog Park - Sign-up coming soon!
THURSDAY 11.22.18
6:40AM: Day of Registration and Bib Pick-Up opens at the start line.
7:40AM: Day of Registration and Bib Pick-Up for 10k, 5k closes
8:00AM: Race Start 10k, 5k
8:50AM: Registration for Kids 2k closes
9:30AM: Kids 2k Race Start
Awards will be presented to the top three overall females and top three overall males of each race distance. Presentations of awards will be made as soon as results are available.
The 2018 Turkey Day Trail Trot course is one of our favorites on the east side of Battle Creek Regional Park. A few challenging hills on a 5k double loop course. Runners will run clockwise on the outer loop and counter clockwise on the inner loop. For those who plan on going back for seconds of turkey and dressing should run the 10K and do two laps of the 5K course
Be prepared for a mix of paved trail and off-pavement cross country ski trails including a dash of Mother Nature in the mix, could be warm and sunny then again, it has snowed early. The terrain is generally rolling and would not be described as flat.
The Turkey Day Trail Trot is welcoming to calm, friendly dogs. Please use a fixed, non-extendable leash and be aware of other runners.

St. Paul Central Nordicwear Store is OPEN: Complete an Order Form by 11/20 for the TOKO water bottle and boot bag
Check out our St. Paul Central Store Items!
New style Central Nordic Hats! Knit hats with pompom and slight ear flaps. These are warm and great for spectators! $20 each.
Bjorn Daehlie black tech fabric hats $20 each.
TOKO arctic commando insulated water belts!! $40 each.
TOKO arctic commando boot bag!! $120 each.
Long-sleeve or short-sleeve t-shirts. $15 each.
Order the TOKO water belt and boot bag here: https://goo.gl/forms/ofngi5LPCqYGVqDf2
Contact Liz Brine (651-278-7488 or lizzieknitting@yahoo.com) for hats or t-shirts.
Cash or checks made out to St. Paul Central Sports Boosters - Nordic
Order your Podiumwear Race Suit by November 20, 2018. Click here for the storefront, which will close on November 20, 2018.
Here is the storefront for ordering an arctic commando race suit: https://www.podiumwear.com/team-storefront/st-paul-central-ski-team-reorder/
Need to Rent Equipment? Click here for the information form you need to fill out by Wednesday afternoon, 11/14.
Please help Robb round up rental equipment by filling out this form as soon as possible, ideally by midday Wednesday. Thanks!
Deadline for Participation Forms and $45 fee, November 9, 2018
To be eligible to participate in athletics at Central High School, all student-athletes must meet the student conduct and academic eligibility requirements. In addition, the following items must be turned into the Central Athletic Office before or on the Friday prior to the first scheduled day of practice.
1.A completed & signed 2018-19 MSHSL Eligibility Statement/Health Questionnaire- effective for one calendar school year
2. An up-to-date SPORTS physical exam - eligible for three years, unless stated otherwise by a Physician
3. Participation fee - required fees vary by sport, please see a specific sport's homepage for details. Checks payable to "Central High School" unless stated otherwise
To ensure the athletic department receives all necessary materials prior to the start of the season, do not mail fee or forms to Central High School. All registration items must be hand delivered to the Athletic Office (room 1116) for verification prior to the first scheduled day of practice. Failure to turn in necessary materials on time will result in an ineligibility to physically participate. Athletes cannot participate until they have been deemed eligible by the athletic department. No participation fee refund will be given after the second official week of practice. A refund request must commence by the athlete or parent/guardian within the first two weeks of practice. Registration for all athletics ends on the third Friday from the start of a specific season (some exceptions may apply to this rule). Additional athletic registration resources are available on the Athletics Homepage under "Athletic Forms" in the right hand column.
Parent Athlete Information Meeting. November 5, 6:30pm, Central Cafeteria.
Parent Athlete Information Meeting is tomorrow, Monday, November 5th at 6:30 pm in the Central Cafeteria. Lots of information about the season, eligibility, uniforms, equipment, Holiday Camp, etc.
Season Starts Monday, November 12th. Athletes must be eligible by Friday, 11/9 in order to practice on 11/12. (There is a 24 hour wait period after all your stuff is in before you can practice.)
To be eligible, athletes need: (Forms are available at http://sports.spps.org/Domain/10991 )
Academic Standing – usually not an issue for our athletes.
Current physical on file at Central (Physicals are good for 3 years. Usually Sophomores and Seniors run into expired physicals)
Signed MSHSL Eligibility Brochure (Parent Permit)
Athletic Participation Fee - $45 or $20 if Free and reduced Lunch
No outstanding uniforms from fall sports.
If you were in a fall sport at Central, you just need to pay the fee and make sure all your uniforms and/or equipment is turned in. Current Physical as well.
NightLight Trail Run Volunteering Fundraiser. October 27, 2018
NightLight Trail Run Volunteering Fundraiser. We are volunteering at the Endurance United Nightlight Trail Run Saturday 10/27 at Battle Creek. We should receive $400 for volunteering to help with this race. I have divided the volunteer slots into manageable time periods. Volunteer slots begin at 4:00 pm and are available through 9:30 pm. Race starts at 5:45 and Take down should start about 8:45. Sign up on the Google sheet with this link:
Athlete Interest Meeting. October 25, 2018 at 2:15pm in Room 1415.
Athlete Interest Meeting will be this Thursday 10/25 after school at 2:15 in Room 1415. Eligibility Forms and quick intro to our Nordic Team at Central. Should be less than 30 minutes.

Perfect for this weather - New Central Nordic pompom hats!
New style Central Nordic Hats! Knit hats with pompom and slight ear flaps. These are warm and great for spectators! $20 each cash or checks made out to St. Paul Central Sports Boosters - Nordic
Contact Liz Brine (651-278-7488 or lizzieknitting@yahoo.com)

Central Nordic Hats are here!
Bjorn Daehlie black tech fabric hats $20 each. Short sleeve t-shirts are also available for $15 each. Please email, call or text Liz Brine to get yours (lizzieknitting@yahoo.com or 651-278-7488)
Update: New and Improved Groveland Tap Fundraiser, Date now February 7
We have a new date for our Groveland Tap night - February 7, between 6pm and 10pm. We can gather to celebrate Sectionals and get psyched up for State. Can't wait to see you there...
Enjoy dinner with your teammates at a favorite neighborhood hangout and raise money just by having a plate of Poutine, or a Juicy Lucy, or even a Poutine Lucy! The 'Tap' will donate 20% of net profits to the team, so save the date and spread the word. We'll post a flyer a little closer to the date...
Forms for Holiday Camp are due Wednesday, December 6
Central Ski Trip Contract, Permission Form and a check are due on Wednesday. There will be 32 spots available. Forms are here.
Endurance United Turkey Trot, Volunteer Opportunity - Battle Creek Dog Park - Please sign up if you can help
Here is a link to sign up to help. Turkey Trail Trot Fundraiser.
6:40AM: Day of Registration and Bib Pick-Up opens at the start line.
7:40AM: Day of Registration and Bib Pick-Up for 10k, 5k closes
8:00AM: 10k, 5k Start
9:00AM: Registration for Kids 1k closes
9:30AM: Kids 1k Race Start
Awards will be presented to the top three overall females and males of each race distance. Presentations of awards will be made as soon as results are available.
The 2017 Turkey Day Trail Trot is run on a unique and challenging 5k course. The 10k will run two laps of the same 5k course.
Be prepared for a mix of paved trail and off-pavement cross country ski trails including a couple of steep uphills. The terrain is generally rolling and would not be described as flat.
The Turkey Day Trail Trot is welcoming to calm, friendly dogs. Please use a fixed, non-extendable leash and be aware of other runners.
Strollers are welcome, however some of the trails may dictate an off-road ready stroller. Keep this in mind.
Course Map:
Correction: VO Max Jacket Orders are Due on TUESDAY, Nov 21.
Please bring your check for $100 and jacket size to practice on Tuesday in order to get on Robb's VO Max order.